Endowment Fund

The Friends of Chamber Music of Reading is proud to introduce the

Souders Chamber Music Endowment Fund

to support the long-term financial stability and sustainability of the Friends of Chamber Music’s Mission and programs.
Our endowment fundis named in honor of the contributions of the Souders family, in particular Drs. Benjamin F. and Thomas B. Souders, to the Friends of Chamber Music and to the promotion of chamber music in Berks County, Pennsylvania

The Souders Chamber Music Endowment Fund is held for our benefit by the Reading Musical Foundation.  

Please consider contributing to our Endowment Fund.  

There are a variety of ways you can contribute:

  • In your Will by bequest to the Souders Chamber Music Endowment Fund
  • Check payable to the Reading Musical Foundation specifying Souders Chamber Music Endowment Fund with its transmission and on the memo line of the check.  
  • Gift of stock – contact Keri Shultz, President, Reading Musical Foundation

Mailing address for the Reading Musical Foundation:  PO Box 14835 Reading PA 19612-4835

Thank you for your support.

Friends of Chamber Music Reading